Spring Skin Care Tips

Spring Clean Your Skin Care Routine at Sparx Beauty Salon In Winchester

Dibi Milano Winchester Skin ClinicMarie Kondo has recently been inspiring many of us to organise our personal spaces, but did you know that even your skin care routine needs a spring cleaning session at this time of year as well?   

Just as you adjusted to cold-weather skincare (for example by moving to a heavier moisturiser) now it’s time to get back to a some lighter products. This is so that your skin can continue looking and feeling its best in the warmer, fresher spring air.

At Sparx beauty salon in Winchester, we are skin care experts and can give you all the advice you need to keep your skin in peak condition.  Here are our top tips for giving your skin care routine good old fashioned spring clean!

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Change Your Moisturiser

Dibi Milano Facials Winchester Skin ClinicIt’s time to change gear and bring back moisturizers that are lighter in intensity at this time of year.

Now that the cold winter air that mercilessly dried out your skin is being replaced by some fresher March breezes, you will need a lighter moisturizer. 

Keep in mind, if you have certain skin conditions including excessive dry skin, psoriasis or eczema, then we’d recommend keeping your existing strength moisturizer through the spring season.

At Sparx Beauty Salon, we offer the best DIBI Milano skincare products. If you are not sure what skincare products you should be using, just ask one of our friendly staff at our Hampshire beauty clinic.

Always Practice Sun Safe Skincare

You should always remember to protect your skin from the UVA and UVB rays regardless of the season, but as the sun begins to shine it’s doubly important.

As the temperatures increase, it’s a also good idea to let your pores breathe.

You can do this by replacing heavy makeup and foundation with a tinted version of a broad-spectrum sunscreen to give you the added boost of colour that you want in addition to sun safety.

Whether it’s spring, summer, autumn or winter, SPF should always be part of your skin care routine.

To protect your skin against harmful UVA and UVB rays, make sure to always use sunscreen as it is full of beneficial nutrients including vitamins C, and vitamin E.

Bring Back the Spring Shine with Exfoliation

Your skin regenerates itself every 28 days, but giving the process a boost with an exfoliating session is always a good idea.

It’s like spring cleaning your home – there’s nothing like seeing the light bouncing off the freshly-scrubbed surfaces. 

So, think of your face as that surface that glows when its rid of those annoying dead skin cells blocking all of your good shine.

Throw Away Expired Products

Dibi Milano cosmeceuticals Winchester Skin Clinic Sparx 1Even if you haven’t finished the bottle, beauty products still have an expiration date! Although it may be tempting to hold on until you’ve finished every last drop of the product, it’s important to know when to throw away expired beauty products. Using skincare and beauty products that have gone past their expiration date can be bad for the skin! 

Here’s a quick guide on how long skincare products are typically in date for:

  • Cleanser: Up to 1 year
  • Moisturiser: Up to 1 year
  • Serum: Up to 1 year

However, it’s important to check on the product itself as every product is different! Look for the little tub sign with a number on it. This will tell you many months you have until your beauty products expire.

Try New Products & Treatments

If you’ve had to spring clean out your skincare and beauty products, don’t worry. Just book in for a DIBI Milano facial at Sparx Beauty Clinic in Winchester and we will revive and restore your skin for the spring.

Our expert skincare specialists will also be happy to recommend the right DIBI Milano skincare products for you.

By taking into account your skin type, we can find the best beauty products tailored to you. Then, you can restock your skincare and beauty products after you’ve done your spring clean!

Book Your Spring Skin Care Appointment at Sparx Beauty Salon in Winchester

Pop into our Winchester beauty salon or call us on 01962 878979 to book your DIBI Milano facial or purchase any of the amazing DIBI Milano skincare products. Get your spring shine on with your revamped skincare routine and glow baby, glow!